I’m a big fan of pre-workout supplements, when used in moderation. Relying on one for every single training session is a recipe for disaster, but using them appropriately can really help you get the most out of your training.

You know those days where you are just tired and sore, or simply lacking in motivation, from the moment you roll out of bed? We’ve all had them. Especially if you are training for a fight, as the date grows near and you are training hard whilst losing weight and cutting calories. Those days are tough. Sometimes, a little perk-up can turn a gruelling, soul-destroying training session into a productive, enjoyable one.

Personally, I love the buzz from a good pre-workout too. That feeling of having tons of energy and motivation, eager to smash the pads as I’m warming up or shadowboxing. Maybe not so fun for someone else if you are holding pads for them whilst on this buzz mind…

Should you use a pre-workout? It depends on a few things:

Diet- is your diet on point? If you are consuming a lunch/dinner high in simple, refined carbs you will likely experience an energy drop a few hours later as your blood sugar crashes. I know, I was there, and for a time I kept making up for it with a pre-workout. Then when I sorted my diet out, the mid-afternoon energy crashes stopped and I suddenly wasn’t tempted to use a pre-workout every session. Get your energy primarily from good, whole food. Remember, supplements such as pre-workouts should be just that, supplementary to a good diet, not in place of one.

Training frequency- are you getting ready for a fight, training hard 6 days a week, maybe even twice a day, on a calorie deficit? Or do you train a few times a week, just to keep fit/enjoy the sport? I’m not for a moment saying one is superior to the other, but if the latter fits you, do you really need a pre-workout? Maybe you just need to look at the above point

Training time- most pre-workout stimulants contain some form of caffeine. Getting a good amount of quality sleep is important to maximising your recovery and performance. So if you train at night (like me) you want to be careful when and how much pre-workout you use. A better workout is not worth a shit sleep, trust me. First time I used a pre-workout I was wide awake till 3am and had to get up for work at 6pm. Not a fun day at all, and I was so tired I had another dose before training that night, starting a vicious cycle.


Frequency- don’t be tempted to use your pre-workout every single time you train. Your tolerance of the ingredients will rise meaning it has less and less affect. Also, you won’t have any idea of your true fitness level without stimulants. Don’t use a pre-workout to make up for a bad diet, lack of sleep etc

Timing– be aware of how long you have until you will go to bed, you don’t want to be bouncing off the walls instead of snoring away

Dosage- are you sensitive to caffeine? I don’t drink coffee, energy drinks etc so I am fairly sensitive to caffeine. My first pre-workout I stupidly used a full scoop dosage. Part of why I was up till 3am that night. Start with half the recommended dosage, so how you feel and adjust

My recommendation:


The first pre-workout I used was called SCI-MX ENDURO BOOST. However, it became difficulty to find (perhaps it has been discontinued). So about 6 months ago I switched to using MyProtein’s Pulse:Gel. I currently use MyProtein for all my supplements and highly recommend them.


The Pulse:Gel is a fantastic product. It comes in boxes of 12x50g sachets, meaning no time spent measuring out powders and no having to bring an extra shaker bottle with you. The flavour (Berry Blast or Tropical) is pretty strong and zingy, but not awful and you get used to it. Just be prepared to pull a few funny faces whilst you get it down! Be careful not to spill it down your chin either, it is pretty runny.

The effects kick in after around 15-20 minutes, starting with a steady rise in energy levels, a good buzz feeling and some tingling sensation on your skin. The tingling is from the beta alanine, and whilst some people may dislike it, it does seem to lessen with repeated uses.

It’s difficult to compare relative fatigue levels, but I do feel like I can go harder and longer whilst I’m on this stuff.



  • BETA ALANINE (reduces muscle fatigue)



Buy MyProtein Pulse:Gel here